
ACI Mining division holds rare earths mining projects of Tungsten claims and high-grade Tantalite claims, die Garahanga im Bereich der Karoi Simbabwe. The Tungsten Wolframite claims have an estimated 80,000 tonnes in pure Tungsten concentrate reserves. The claims have been sampled to date and have Tungsten grading with respect to radiation for the material of low levels of common pollutants (Pb, Wie, U / Th). ACI intends to commence trial mining on its Tungsten mine site bearing claims for which it has an initial exploration license. Initial production will target 50 tonnes per month and ramp up to 100 tonnes in the second year.

ACI Mining ist auch in einer seltenen Erden Tantalit behauptet Projekt beteiligt, in the Garahanga Karoi area. The Tantalite claims material currently extracted is in gravel and alluvial form at 2m depth. ACI hat gewonnen 20 Proben nach dem Zufallsprinzip aus verschiedenen Gruben und hat Noten zwischen Ta205 ergab 38% und 42%. Additionally, ACI also has signed an Option Agreement on a property in the Mutoko area of Zimbabwe of more than 200 Hektar, mit möglichen Expansion in den Westen und Nordwesten der Immobilie, where sampling was done on site with material grades between Ta205 being 38% zu 40%.

ACI Mining hat Joint Ventures in Basismetalle Antimon, Lithium, nickel and manganese as well as on a precious metal gold production concern with a 6 level shaft with a target capacity of 5000 tonnes a month and a minimum grade of 3 grams a tonne in a region with one of the richest gold production in the world of the greenstone gold formation as well as a coal mine covering 8400 ha.

ACI Mining also has other portfolio joint venture projects in South America, Eurasia and Africa such as a joint venture copper project with partners under exploration in Namibia with a license valid for ten years with an extension for a further 20 Jahre. Die Lagerstätte besteht aus Kupfer (1.35%), führen (2.5%), Zink (4%) und Silber (10 g / t).