Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Johannesburg, South Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, Vienna, Austria, Tokyo, Japan – April 22, 2014 – The Board of African Compass International Limited (“ACI” or the “Company”) are pleased to announce a win-win private sector partnership for entering into the emerging deep sea mining space between ACI’s direct, wholly-owned Vienna subsidiary and a western Pacific based strategic partner.

The strategic partner holds multiple offshore exploration licenses with initial terms ranging from 3 to 16 years covering thousands of square kilometers within the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of 3 western Pacific countries. The acreage holds rock nodule deposits of rare earth elements, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel and other minerals. ACI Vienna and the strategic partner seafloor resources industry longterm plan envisions application for exploration licenses to mine the subsea wealth  in the Pacific Ocean international waters with the United Nations’ International Seabed Authority (“ISA”).

About ACI

African Compass International (“ACI”) is a global diversified private natural resources company in frontier, emerging/established emerging and developed markets. The Group farms, explores, sources, refines and produces, inter alia, agriculture products, base metals, ferrous & non-ferrous metals, minor metals, platinum group metals, precious metals, oil & gas and commercial energy. Our diversified operations in Africa, South America and Eurasia are supported by offices in Austria, Canada, Japan and Zimbabwe. ACI always seeks partnerships with all its stakeholders that will add value to projects at hand based on the core values of honesty, integrity and Vision.

Supporting Resources: please visit; follow @Afrikancompass on Twitter, or join ACI on LinkedIn.

For and on behalf of the Company’s Board

Julian RUPARE, Jr.

CEO & Chair


The following are the main terms and abbreviations used in this webnews:

ACI                  African Compass International Limited and/or its subsidiaries, as appropriate

ACI Vienna   African Compass International Investments and Holdings

Board             Board of Directors

CEO               Chief Executive Officer

CG                  Chief Geologist

CLO               Chief Legal Officer

Company      African Compass International or African Compass International Limited

COO               Chief Operating Officer

EEZs                Exclusive Economic Zones

ISA                   International Seabed Authority

REEs                Rare Earth Elements

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African Compass International

Johannesburg | Harare | Vienna | Tokyo

Directors J Rupare Jr (CEO) C N Rupare (COO) U Mazunga (CLO) V M S Correia (CG)